Betchworth Parish Magazine

There has been a Parish Magazine in Betchworth since 1892. Beautifully bound copies of all these magazines can be viewed in the Hamilton Room.

Parishioners and their helpers have always run the collating of articles, editing and publishing the magazine on a voluntary basis. Printing has always been done by an outside firm.

The magazine’s aim is to give information to and about the whole village. As well as Church matters we report on village activities such as the Parish Council, WI, North Downs Primary School and the Betchworth and Buckland Society. It also embraces any local, non-political, news, events and activities that it is felt might be of interested to the readers. The magazine is delivered to every house in the village by an invaluable team of 32 people headed by Susie Redburn. We are always delighted to receive articles, including photos if relevant, which would be of interest to parishioners for possible inclusion in the magazine. Several copies have now been complemented by colour photographs.

Articles for the magazine now arrive exclusively by email to Click to email. We also will publish appropriate small ads from parishioners at a nominal cost for a limited number of issues, proceeds going to church funds.

Our editors, Ros Rokison, Sian Winter and Tim Warren (who has recently joined us on the editorial board), have the task of collating, editing and sometimes retyping all the various articles. The Desk Top Publishers are given the edited articles and it is then their job to put them all into the magazine template. This work is currently undertaken by Ros Rokison, Alison Higgins, and John Scotcher. The magazine continues to be very professional in its construction and production.

If anyone is interested in joining the team we would be delighted to hear from you. We would be particularly interested to hear from anyone who would like to join the team of desktop publishers. The more people involved in the production of the magazine the easier it is for everyone involved. Training will be given.

Should you wish to recieve the Betchworth Parish Magazine regularly by post,
please call Jane Forrester in the first instance – Click to email